Início » Overview of 3D printers from Raise3D

Overview of 3D printers from Raise3D

Raise3D is one of the most famous Chinese brands. The equipment of this brand is designed primarily for professional activities, but amateurs also like it for the highest quality and quite affordable price. In this article we will tell you about the key stages of creation and development of Raise3D and describe the most popular models of 3D printers it produces.

Briefly about the manufacturer Raise3D

The world first heard about Raise3D in mid-2015, when its representatives launched a large-scale crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for the production of a fundamentally new 3D printer. The result was an absolute record in the crowdfunding segment for large-format 3D printers – the project received donations from almost 350 people, and the total amount of the collection exceeded $440,000. It took Raise3D less than six months to set up production, after which the printers they produce became available around the world.

Today, the company is one of the acknowledged leaders in

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